We stay current on diagnostic equipment and other information resources, which allow our highly skilled technicians to solve the very difficult problems that modern cars can present. Older cars had their own idiosyncrasies that are lost in time EXCEPT FOR US. For example, we have THE diagnostic tool for 1972 to 1975 MB Digital Electronic Fuel Injection. And after that too.

At AutoWerks, we've made tire buying simple for everyone. We are selling tires at cost plus a $12.50 processing fee per tire. We have access to most brands with overnight delivery. Order today, install tomorrow! We are happy to evaluate your tires and make recommendations. Installation and taxes additional.
We consider routine maintenance to be the key for the longevity, reliability and economical operation of your vehicle. We work with you to organize your visits for routine maintenance, oil changes, state inspections, and more. The fundamental service period is regardless of the mileage with some exceptions is calendar based.
The fewer visits the better. Best maintenance practice is by the calendar so then you simply add to day-planner just like all other things in your life, dental, bill paying etc. Servicing by mileage is so easily gotten out of synch as time goes bye.. Reminder stickers on windshield fade away literally and mentally.
Since the vehicle's Service Reminder is set for very long interval well beyond good for the car, and we reset it, it's likely the warning may not ever come on.
Our stickers: it's on the driver's door jam. It registers the Date, Odometer, Oil used, and our phone number.
Read Life Of Engine Oil at:
Technical Background at https://www.autowerksnc.com/blog/categories/technical-back-ground , or, https://www.autowerksnc.com/blog/the-life-of-engine-oil
You: Do I need to change my oil?
Me: Do you need to brush your teeth?
Dentist: No, just the ones I want to keep.
At AutoWerks, after we help you diagnose the problem, we will also work to take care of all of your auto repair needs! Please click to see all of our services. When it comes to coachwork, body work interiors, or upholstery, we will work with you to refer the right person for the

A Pre-Purchase Inspection of a previously owned vehicle is highly advisable. You would do this for any major purchase such as a house or a piece of property. The boating world calls it a Survey The value to you of a Pre-Purchase Inspection is the saving of time and money by providing you with the information that you need to make a good decision. The Inspection starts with general visual and auditory cues and a road test, followed by a computer scan with printout. Then the undercarriage is inspected and fluids are evaluated. The process starts with the simplest items so that as soon as a disqualification is discovered it is at the point of least expense. Any issues are documented for use in negotiations. The value of the vehicle is also part of the advisories provided for vehicle ownership consideration. The goal is to have the best out-come for you. If a dealer or private owner will not allow you to arrange for an Inspection of the vehicle provided it is feasible to do so: DO NOT BUY IT.

A North Carolina Vehicle Inspection is required in order for a motor vehicle titled in NC to be registered for a road use license (see NCDMV online for all exceptions). Exceptions include: vehicles older than 35 yrs are exempt; vehicles older than 20 years or less than 3 yrs/70,000mi are exempt from emissions testing regardless of the county of registration. Per NC DMV: I’m moving to North Carolina from another state. Will my vehicle need to be inspected before I obtain my North Carolina license plate? You will be allowed to register the vehicle without an inspection. When your next annual registration renewal is due, you must have the vehicle inspected to renew your registration. ( https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/title-registration/emissions-safety/Pages/frequently-asked-questions.aspx ) The certificate is valid for one year expiring at the end of the month of registration with NO GRACE PERIOD. The renewal is allowed starting 90 days prior to the expiration date. There are two types of Certificates issued after passing inspection: Safety only, and Safety/Emissions for the 19 counties that still require emissions testing. The local counties of Moore, Chatham, Richmond, Montgomery, Scotland, Lee, Harnett and Hoke require safety only inspections. The fee is $13.60, ($12.75 + $0.85 virtual "decal/certificate"). Re-inspection for Failure correction within 60 days at the same facility that performed the original inspection is at no-charge regardless of where the correction is made. Only the corrected item is inspected. There is a fee of $10 for checking the darkness of aftermarket window tinting. NOTE: window tint rules are best viewed at NCDMV website.