Posted on 2/23/2025
NC Registration and Inspection Summary A North Carolina Vehicle Inspection is required in order for a motor vehicle titled in NC to be registered for a road use license (see NCDMV online for all exceptions). Exceptions include: vehicles older than 35 yrs are exempt; vehicles older than 20 years or less than 3 yrs/70,000mi are exempt from emissions testing regardless of the county of registration. Per NC DMV: Question: I’m moving to North Carolina from another state. Will my vehicle need to be inspected before I obtain my North Carolina license plate? You will be allowed to register the vehicle without an inspection. When your next annual registration renewal is due, you must have the vehicle inspected first (up to 90 days before) NC DMV: click here The certificate is valid for one year expiring at th ... read more
Posted on 1/25/2024
Click on this for AAA websiteUpdated 24.06.25 AAA Approval date 2010 Click on this link for their website.We proud to announce that we are Approved to be a AAA Approved Shop and will be in their literature for referal. This to be distinguished from AAA Car Care which is a AAA operation. Approval comes after a investigation of our last 450 invoices and random interviews with invoiced customers, f ... read more
Posted on 1/11/2024
If you are having an emergency, please do not hesitate to come directly here. 24.06.01 By engaging AutoWerks Inc to do paid services/work you agree that Better Business Bureau will be the arbitrator of said service/work. And agree to working with AutoWerks Inc to resolve the issue before publishing a review and seeking avenues for monetary recovery. We are considered as a Trade. Trades (plumbing, electricians, etc) are afforded the privilege of two attempts to rectify. For more click here 7/11/2023 Updated Service Recommended Schedule now posted at SERVICE SCHEDULE AutoWerks is still owned and operated by Chuck and Lorraine Dinkel . AutoWerks is graced with the best staff that one could hope to find.  ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2024
23.01.01 New Affiliation with Better Business BureauWe are fully Accredited A+ by the BBB. Click here to see.We recommend browsing their site for numerous businesses. In fact, it is a good starting point to hunt for services. Click here for BBB for Eastern NC.While we have an envious business record ( see other article), we always are searching for better ways to retain it. As of this year we are affiliated with the Better Business Bureau for Eastern NC. The goal is to provide our clients a high comfort level byhaving a well regarded neutral venue in the back-ground. Re-vamped recently and expanding their services the BBB fulfills that ... read more
Posted on 9/6/2023
We are very selective of the materials for servicing and repair of our clients vehicles. BG Products are makers of fluids of the highest order. BG Products are of two kinds: working fluids, (except motor oils) and cleaners of fluid systems, Worth noting that almost any fluid compatible with a system, such as a transmission, will work without harming for a period of time. All working fluids have a function quality and a LIFETIME of that quality. We have not found fluids that are superior to BG Products; PERIOD. Functionality and lifetime.are unsurpassed. The lifetime is an order-of-magnitde better. Excuse the repetition, but it's intentional to make the point. The Cleaner products are equally so, but are used only to attempt to restore a piece of machinery that has suffered degraded working-fluid (TREATMENT to return to good HEALTH;. Good fluids are for maintaining good ... read more