Posted on 9/6/2023
We are very selective of the materials for servicing and repair of our clients vehicles. BG Products are makers of fluids of the highest order. BG Products are of two kinds: working fluids, (except motor oils) and cleaners of fluid systems, Worth noting that almost any fluid compatible with a system, such as a transmission, will work without harming for a period of time. All working fluids have a function quality and a LIFETIME of that quality. We have not found fluids that are superior to BG Products; PERIOD. Functionality and lifetime.are unsurpassed. The lifetime is an order-of-magnitde better. Excuse the repetition, but it's intentional to make the point. The Cleaner products are equally so, but are used only to attempt to restore a piece of machinery that has suffered degraded working-fluid (TREATMENT to return to good HEALTH;. Good fluids are for maintaining good ... read more
Posted on 9/3/2023
24.06.01 AutoWerks has begun an affiliation with CARFAX as it has become a standard feature of a car's life. Click on the link below to see what CARFAX has to offer the car's owner/caretaker: