Posted on 4/21/2023
We are proud of our standing in the community, so for transparency and as an indicator, this is our court record:Small claims: 4 Last one early 2000's Won 3 Lost 1Lost: Five days after picking up car owner reported missing the lens of left headlight of her early 1990's BMW'. Those were noted for lens coming un-glued. In spite of having done a departure walk around, and the work involved a the other end of the vehicle, the court found that somehow we are responsible for anything that happens to vehicle after it leaves. Late 2000'sAn owner was sure that after we reported the rears tires were worn-out we had switch his good tires "that AutoWerks had installed recently" with old ones.. We had installled those tire originally and the DOT ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2023

Updated 2023.04.20 IMPORTANT NOTICE to ALL owners of vehicles equipped with Continuously Variable Transmissions with special note for Subaru's Is yours one? Full list of CVT vehicles: Click On This FIRST: Subaru owners of vehicles equipped with Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) Subaru recently released an updated Service for the CV Transmissions from NO recommended interval to 25,000 miles if under "severe duty". This now aligns with our recommendation where normal driving is actually "severe" duty. Previously, tampering with the drain plug would have VOIDED ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2023

Updated 2023.08.28 ADDED BATTERY REPLACEMENT FYI: The following is Youtube spot aboutThe one of the consequences of long oil change intervals: Click here and advance to minute 8 ************************************* SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR EXPANDED POINTS *FREQUENCY OF SERVICE* (Coordinate for fewest visits per year) 3 months (Non-synthetic oil) *ROAD-WORTHINESS CHECK (FREE) *SERVICE A (non-synthetic oil) 6 months (Synthetic oil) *ROAD-WORTHINESS CHECK (FREE) *SERVICE A   ... read more
Posted on 4/19/2023
Updated 2023.04.20 THE LIFE OF ENGINE OIL THE ABSTRACT The longevity of any machine is directly dependent on the quality and condition of the working fluids. Our services are tailored to the operation of the majority of the vehicles in this locality. Before the late '70s, the factory schedule was close to what was best, but marketing considerations drove the manufacturers to longer intervals to "reduce operating costs" and petroleum demand. In the end the cost of ownership was more. The following is to give a general idea of the nature of oil change rationales. BACK STORY THE BASIC COMPONENTS OF CRUDE OIL are paraffinic (long C-H chain) and naphthenic (short branched chains). Paraffinic has good lubricating qualities and resists breaking down. The more expensive ones have higher paraffin content. THE EARLY PENNSYLVANIA CRUDE Luckily for early machines the Pennsylvania crude was 50% paraffinic, now all gone. Today's crudes contain about ... read more